Or rather, the lack of it - I know share the same plight as millions others, but I shall have a good whinge nevertheless....
I think it really sucks that the normal flocks have to suffer, because a bunch of fat cats got a bit greedy and blew the money on what? Who the f**k knows...
As a result, us poor flocks have to graze harder just to get by, yet the grass is not a green as it used to be - farmers can't afford decent fertiliser or soil to keep the stuff growing.
If this economic crisis doesnt get sorted soon, flocks will start getting sent of to the batteries.
It won't be obvious at first, but before you know, flocks will become more territorial and tuen against each other.
Twas the main reason 2nd world war happened.
But, as history loves to remind us, we never f**king learn......
I have noticed angry flocks. It causes mayhem. Something should be done.
If sheep were in reality as clever as the flock in 'Shaun the SHeep' I wouldn't be so worried Scarlet. Sadly they are too predictable for their own good, bless 'em...
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