For the last couple of days I have spent most of the time with my fella visiting friends and family during the xmas hols, and I can safely say I felt like the black sheep. There are two reasons why:
1st - I do not celebrate xmas. My family although Christian never celebrated xmas and viewed all xmas celebrations to be over commercialised as well as pagan in origin. So of course I am already viewed as a bit of a freak...
2nd - Most of the people we went to visit, no wait, pretty much everyone was Polish, so all conversation was in Polish and all jokes or topics went way over my head. Pretty much all the Polish are also catholic, so when I tell them I don't do xmas you can only imagine their reaction - FREAK!
I don't resent my boyfriend for bringing me along to these celebrations and visits, but I did feel awkward sometimes, especially as I caouldn't really contribute to any conversation taking place.
Therefore one of my aims in new year will be to learn some Polish, especially as I've been invited to a wedding in Poland. I have one word to say:
Sadly this is the only polish word I learnt and it happens to mean 'f**k!!)
Tell me about it.. I'm hopeless at languages and I only ever seem to know the 'wrong' words... other than I do know how to say 'Where is the station?' in German.
Ah! Now I can actually speak German (in my previous occupation I often had to talk to angry German customers whenever their order they placed with the company went tits up - what an experience), so I'd be alright if my fella was Deutsch. Alas, one cannot have it all hey??
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